Teiera in vetro con colino inox 900ml Nero
Vetro spesso per evitare rotture - Formato con maniglia compatta per un trasporto più confortevole - Filtro in acciaio inossidabile di alta qualità - Per 4 persone - Vetro adatto alla lavastoviglie e al microonde - Inox e silicone lavabile in lavastoviglie - Dimensioni: 13,5x20xH10cm
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We care about the product, we live in Europe, we have our own workshop with the best printing machines in the industry.
We want you to buy once and be happy with the product for many years.
You can call us, you can talk to us.
Created in Barcelona
Less contamination, quicker response, a style that resonates, collabs with some top illustrators in Europe.